We Offer Our 'Amine Purification Services' To
- Engineering Companies.
- Refineries.
- Petrochemical Plants.
- Gas Treating & Conditioning.
- Gasification And Power Plant (IGCC).
We Provide Our Expertise in Order To
- Establish Operating Parameters for A Better Plant Performance.
- Plant Troubleshooting.
- Reduce As Much as Possible Amine Leakages.
Amines Services
We Perform Analyses For:
- Treated Gas.
- Make-Up Water.
We Perform Services For
- Treatment With Active Carbon.
- Amine Filtration.
- Amine Purification to Remove Thermostable Amine Salts.
Inject Additives Whereas Necessary For
- Thermostable Amine Salts Neutralization.
- Anticorrosion Protection.
- Foaming.
services & assistance provided by amine global service http://www.amine-gas-treatment.com/
calibration services for plant instruments
services & assistance provided by bdh laboratories http://www.bdhcallab.com